Hello Tessa
We thought that we would update you on our Shih Tzu, Sophie that we got from you 2 years ago
Ever since we got her home she has been a source of enjoyment for us both, she has a personality that is more human than dog
and with her facial expressions we can tell if she is happy, sad, quizzical,hungry, playfull, wants a treat or is even sulky.
Everybody who meets her falls in love with her and wants to take her home, from Kim’s hairdresser to the girls in the grooming parlour.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA2013-01-19 12.45.0020121028_140925
She is such a loving and trusting dog and has been so loyal to Kim through her recent illness that we can’t thank you enough, we will be looking to get another Shih Tzu from you next year so that Sophie has another playmate
I have attached some recent pics for you
Many thanks


Kim and Nigel