Toy Poodle


balleeeeHi this is Seren one of your cavapoos. 2 years ago I left you to go home with my human Ruth so thought I would let you know what I have been up to.

I settled really quickly in my new home and didn’t even whimper at night. As well as my human there are 2 cats in my family called Purdy and Tailor. They took turns at puppy sitting but I had more fun when Tailor puppy sat as he was good for a romp. Purdy on the other hand always insisted that I lay down quietly and behaved myself.Tailor puppy sitting

Very soon I realised that Ruth needed a bit more looking after than the average human so I set to work to make her life easier. I started by tidying up Purdy’s plastic food plate from the floor. I did accidently chew on it a bit but soon realised I needed to take her plate into the kitchen without decorating the edge with tooth marks.

Sometimes those cats (usually Tailor) can be a bit naughty and knock things down so, as soon as I hear it, I run over, pick up whatever they have knocked down and take it to Ruth. Gradually I have learnt to pick up lots of different things. To begin with I wasn’t keen on the car keys as they made rather a noise when I picked them up but soon realised they were really important. Once Ruth threw a blanket down the stairs and it landed across the bottom 4 stairs. I haven’t had any training on this but I realised she was in trouble so pulled it down onto the floor.

In my spare time I have become totally addicted to balllleeeeeeee J. There is nothing I enjoy more than charging after it to bring it back or leaping up to catch it in the air. And if we are at the beach it is even more fun. If Ruth is sitting down when she throws the ball I don’t have a care in the world. If though she is standing up woe betide any dog that tries to push her around – I won’t stand for that and tell them to back off – however big they are. I have also have fun doing flyball and adore the run backs. At 6kg though I don’t trigger the box yet.

I am now starting a new chapter in my life as Ruth and I have been accepted by Dog A.I.D. for assistance dog training. If I work hard and learn everything my trainer teaches Ruth to do with me I can become a registered assistance dog. I already know how to behave myself beautifully when out in public and frequently get comments on my good behaviour and usefulness.

Well that’s all for now. I will let you know how I get on with my assistance dog training.

Woofs, Seren.

lucy, bichon x toy poodle puppy

Hello Tessa it’s been 18 months since we bought our Lucy from you she is a BichonX Poodle, and we love her so much and she is so good, We have never had a moments trouble from her,we have another Dog which is a Bichon X Shihtzu and he was 14 months old when we collected Lucy and they get on great. We are always asked where we got her from, and we would always recommend your kennels Thankyou again John and Pam Welford from Reading Berks.

Malshi puppy, Whiskey

Just a quick word about our adorable little Malshi puppy “Whiskey” that we bought from you February. He has brought so much joy to our lives already. He is so loved and everyone who meets him thinks he is so cute. We might have even got you an order for another from one of the people who met us in the street.
Attached a photo of him sat on the sea wall at Weston super Mare.
Hope his litter siblings are as well loved as he is.
Many thanks


Linda and Steve youngPuppy March14 (08)

ruby in jersey – shih-tzu x toy poodle

Hi Tessa, our beautiful Ruby is now 7 months old and we couldn’t be happier with her! She is growing into such a sweet natured, cute little dog. She has settled in so well to our family that it is hard to remember a time without her. She recently one first prize in a local dog show for the best mixed breed dog, which we were thrilled about. We are thinking about training her to be a PAT (Pets As Therapy) dog when she is old enough as she is so easy going and has already made several visits to see the patients at the hospital where I work, which she took in her stride.
Always happy to recommend your kennels……..thank you again!
Amanda Johnson and family, Jersey

agatha – yorkiepoo


We are sending a photo of the gorgeous puppy we bought from you in June. Agatha as we have now named her – she was Tinkerbelle – us beautiful with such a lovely nature. Our children adore her, we are all so happy she is part of our family.
We always recommend you to anyone we talk to who is wanting a puppy.

Thank you so much

Sarah and Michelle